High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004
358 judgments

Court registries

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Judgment date
April 2006
Zidi Amri vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 34 of 2005) [2006] TZHC 155 (3 April 2006) 3 April 2006
Zidi Amri vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 34 of 2005) [2006] TZHC 90 (3 April 2006) 3 April 2006
March 2006
Abdon Mapunda vs Country Director Enterprises Works / Tanzania (Civil Case 413 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 175 (31 March 2006) 31 March 2006
G.P. Rutachubirwa vs Alfred Makundi & another ((DC) Civil Appeal No. 16 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 313 (31 March 2006) 31 March 2006
Mapunda vs Country Director Enterprises Works/Tanzania (Civil Case 413 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 16 (31 March 2006) 31 March 2006
Elizabeth Gikene vs John Zacharia Gikene (Matrimonial Cause 5 of 2004) [2006] TZHC 50 (28 March 2006) 28 March 2006
Gineke vs Gineke (Matrimonial Cause 5 of 2004) [2006] TZHC 15 (26 March 2006) 26 March 2006
Chedi Mchomba Chikira vs Attorney General (Misc. Civil Cause No. 58 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 298 (20 March 2006) 20 March 2006
Emmanuel Gerald vs Khalifa Fadhil (Civil Appeal 238 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 179 (15 March 2006) 15 March 2006
Gerald vs Fadhil (Civil Appeal 238 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 14 (15 March 2006) 15 March 2006
Choya Anatory Kaszi vs Kashemeza Phares Kabuye & another (Misc. Civil Cause No. 10 of 2005) [2006] TZHC 283 (14 March 2006) 14 March 2006
Kassim Salum Muhanga & Others vs Tukae RaJabu Mzindu (Civil Appeal 160 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 148 (14 March 2006) 14 March 2006
Republic vs Ernest @Mushumba Pastory (Criminal Session Case 12 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 143 (14 March 2006) 14 March 2006
Gregory Tasiano Oscar vs Domitira Kachira (Misc. Land Appeal 46 of 2022) [2006] TZHC 113 (10 March 2006) 10 March 2006
Republic vs Seleman s/o Athuman & Another (Criminal Session Case 76 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 146 (10 March 2006) 10 March 2006
C.D Muganyizi & Others vs Attorney General & Others (Misc. Civil Cause 62 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 150 (7 March 2006) 7 March 2006
G. M. Dewji & CO. Ltd vs Kampuni ya Uchukuzi Iringa Ltd (Civil Appeal 10 of 2006) [2006] TZHC 106 (7 March 2006) 7 March 2006
Morogoro Ceramic Wares Ltd vs Carlo and Others (Civil Revision 151 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 12 (7 March 2006) 7 March 2006
Morogoro Ceramic Wares Ltd vs George Carlo & Others (Civil Revision 151 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 176 (7 March 2006) 7 March 2006
Shaidi vs Shaidi (Misc. Civil Appeal 8 of 2004) [2006] TZHC 13 (7 March 2006) 7 March 2006
Adam Sadik vs Mwanzanije Matimbwa (Misc. Civil Appeal 3 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 100 (2 March 2006) 2 March 2006
Adam Sadik vs Mwanzanije Matimbwa (Misc. Civil Appeal 3 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 166 (2 March 2006) 2 March 2006
Sadik vs Matimbwa (Misc. Civil Appeal 3 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 11 (2 March 2006) 2 March 2006
Wilfred s/o Sued Muganyizi Rwakatare vs Hamis s/o Sued Kagasheki & another (Misc. Civil Cause No. 08 of 2005) [2006] TZHC 282 (2 March 2006) 2 March 2006
February 2006
Governing Body of Co-op College Moshi & another vs Symphorian J. Nkuba & another (Misc. Civil Appl. No. 65 of 2004) [2006] TZHC 231 (28 February 2006) 28 February 2006
Republic vs Hamis Shaban Dotto (Criminal Session Case No. 71 of 2005) [2006] TZHC 256 (21 February 2006) 21 February 2006
Republic vs Paul Ntegwa @Ntabanya & others (Criminal Sessions Case No. 7 of 2006) [2006] TZHC 196 (21 February 2006) 21 February 2006
Allan T. Materu vs Akiba Commercial Bank (Civil Appeal 114 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 165 (15 February 2006) 15 February 2006
Allan T. Materu vs Akiba Commercial Bank (Civil Appeal 114 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 99 (15 February 2006) 15 February 2006
Materu vs Akiba Commercial Bank (Civil Appeal 114 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 10 (15 February 2006) 15 February 2006
Pavisa Enterprises vs Minister of Labour and Youth Development and Another (Misc. Cause 65 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 9 (10 February 2006) 10 February 2006
Rahel Kayanda vs Sofia Byarugaba ((HC) Civil Revision No. 2 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 299 (10 February 2006) 10 February 2006
Swai Raymond Sharishaeli vs Korogwe Transit Hotel (Civil Case No. 9 of 2001) [2006] TZHC 309 (10 February 2006) 10 February 2006
M/S Morning Star Hotel Limited vs Registered Trustees of The Agricultural Inputs Trust Fund & others (Civil Case No. 109 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 318 (9 February 2006) 9 February 2006
Republic vs Consolata William Masawe (Criminal Session Case No. 5 of 2005) [2006] TZHC 251 (8 February 2006) 8 February 2006
Republic vs Consolata William Masawe (Criminal Session Case No. 5 of 2005) [2006] TZHC 252 (8 February 2006) 8 February 2006
Edwin Shaidi vs Doroth Shaidi (Misc. Civil Appeal 8 of 2004) [2006] TZHC 52 (7 February 2006) 7 February 2006
PSRC vs Kishore Kanji Hirji & others (Land Case No. 241 of 2004) [2006] TZHC 228 (7 February 2006) 7 February 2006
Ally Shunda vs S.B Kavishe (Civil Appeal 144 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 182 (6 February 2006) 6 February 2006
Devota Nzioki vs Nicodemus Kivuku ((PC) Civil Appeal No. 64 of 2001) [2006] TZHC 308 (6 February 2006) 6 February 2006
Shunda vs Kavishe (Civil Appeal 144 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 8 (6 February 2006) 6 February 2006
Abdallah Mohamed & Another vs Misperes Busoka (Civil Appeal 112 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 177 (3 February 2006) 3 February 2006
Mohamed and Another vs Busoka (PC Civil Appeal 112 of 2002) [2006] TZHC 7 (3 February 2006) 3 February 2006
Republic vs Rashidi Shabano Silanda (Criminal Session Case No. 81 of 2005) [2006] TZHC 257 (3 February 2006) 3 February 2006
Republic vs Eliji Hubert @Munisi (Criminal Session Case No. 23 of 2004) [2006] TZHC 214 (1 February 2006) 1 February 2006
January 2006
Peter Babeere & Others vs Chacha Zakayo Wangwe & Another (Misc. Civil Application 5 of 2006) [2006] TZHC 112 (31 January 2006) 31 January 2006
Shailesh & Chetna Joshi vs Violet Deelip Pandya (Misc. Civil Cause 124 of 2004) [2006] TZHC 59 (31 January 2006) 31 January 2006
Abihudi Hagai Marima vs Mstafa Ally Samata & Another (Civil Appeal 214 of 2003) [2006] TZHC 151 (30 January 2006) 30 January 2006
Tanga Cement Company LTD vs David Kapoma & Others (Civil Appeal No. 23 of 2004) [2006] TZHC 342 (27 January 2006) 27 January 2006
Tanga Cement Company LTD vs David Kapoma & others (Civil Appeal No. 23 of 2004) [2006] TZHC 353 (27 January 2006) 27 January 2006