High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court of Tanzania - 2022 July

746 documents

Court registries

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July 2022
Theodora Michaelt/a 24hrs Travel Company vs Amani Masue (Civil Appeal 248 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11073 (22 July 2022) 22 July 2022
Tumsime Thompson Felician vs Magiru Zakaria (Mics. Land Case Appl. 76 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11371 (22 July 2022) 22 July 2022
Winnie Dustan Shemhina vs Finca Microfinance Bank Limited & 2 Others (Land Case 4 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 10845 (22 July 2022) 22 July 2022
Yohana Micheal Maganga vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 11 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11439 (22 July 2022) 22 July 2022
Yunusi Deogratias vs John William (Land Appeal 70 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11116 (22 July 2022) 22 July 2022
Zaid Jumanne Zaid vs Pili Rajabu Abdallah (Land Appeal No. 9 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10854 (22 July 2022) 22 July 2022
Barke Abbas Max vs Suleiman Mohamed Suleiman (suing Under the Power of Attorney of Maryam Abbas Max and Thani A. Max) (PC Civil Appeal 11 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10715 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Bertha Phenias Lwakatare vs Hearts & Hands for Humanity (Revision Application 63 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10732 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Daniel Petro vs Juma Fungamtama (Misc. Application 29 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10725 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Donata Lutego vs Tandos Delile (Mics. Land Case Appl. 84 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11934 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Edward Valentine vs Foundation for African Medicine (Labour Revision 46 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10896 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Evarist Elias Lekule vs Anna Peter Yae (Civil Appeal 10 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10712 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
fortunatus Simfukwe vs Noella Moshi (Civil Appeal 23 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 14909 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Hamir estate vs Juma Qwaray (Labour Revision 4 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10901 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Hussein Vahaye & Others vs Mbarali District Council & Others (Misc. Civil Application 18 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11644 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Jackson Mrewa vs Elia Mrewa Ayo (Land Appeal 31 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 10895 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
John Jeremia Sumawe vs Melkizedeck Clamsen Mwacha (PC Civil Appeal 7 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11019 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Josephina Paulo Mnzava vs Meck Lazaro & Another (Misc. Land Aplication 26 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11171 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Lugwisha Mwinamila (Administrator of the estate of the late Mwinamila Shiduku) vs Sanda Mnada & 2 Others (Misc. Civil Application 96 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10726 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Mariam Athumani vs Ramadhani Hamisi Muna (Misc. Land Application 38 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12905 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Otmary Simon vs Desteria John Chiledi (PC Matrimonial Appeal 25 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10882 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Paulina Revelian v. Aristedes Revelian and 1 another (Land Appeal No. 86 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 15879 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Prisca Joshua vs Kikundi Cha Uhuru Kisamwena (Civil Appeal 34 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11234 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Remmy Rashid Marandu vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 39 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11047 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Richard Paul Chama vs Alliance Finance Corporation Ltd (Misc. Civil Application 156 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10826 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Rose Nura vs Geofrid Chikojo (Civil Revision 39 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11146 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Sadalla Ibrahim Sadalla vs Mpwapwa District Council (Misc. Land Appication 63 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 15130 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Said Salum Nyuha & 5 Others vs Nureyn Islamic Foundation (dif) (Land Appeal 68 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 12710 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Salome Kahamba vs Siril Augustine Mallya (Misc. Civil Application 557 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11149 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Selemani Bakari Nannauka & Another vs CRDB Bank Plc & 2 Others (Land Case 8 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10878 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Sunday Daudi and 5 Others vs Nam Enterprises Limited (Misc. Labour Application 4 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10955 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Tib Development Bank Limited vs Iron (2011) Company Ltd & 3 Others (Civil Case 4 of 2019) [2022] TZHC 11517 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Uniliver Tea Tanzania Limited vs Festo Antony Mbilinyi (Misc. Civil Appl. 18 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11076 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
Uniliver Tea Tanzania Limited vs Festo Antony Mbilinyi (Misc. Civil Application 17 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11081 (21 July 2022) 21 July 2022
African Banking Corporation vs Herry Eliufoo Christopher (Misc. Civil Application 45 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11110 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Anthony Felix Kavejuru vs Magreth Hamza Yahaya (PC Matrimonial Appeal 4 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10679 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Athumani Sendaro vs Ismail Hassan Nbadjo (Civil Appeal 36 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11724 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Athumani Sendaro vs Ismail Hassan Nbadjo (Civil Appeal 36 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11725 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Carolina Benedict Namadengwa vs Ally Salum Ndava (Land Appeal 26 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10704 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Chikila Yusuph @mchaga vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 3 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11104 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
David Nicholas Nyendo vs Ally Salum Salehe, African Banking Corporation Tanzania Ltd (banc Abc) (Civil Appeal 19 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11029 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Dr.David Felix Bwogi vs Henry Jonathan Bwogi (Misc. Civil Appl. 73 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11399 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Elizabeth Kafupa vs Sixtus Kafupa (Misc. Land Appeal 6 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10682 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Fadhil Langson Wayimba vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 32 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 10996 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Faustine Paulo vs William Pasha (Misc. Land Aplication 28 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 10790 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Faustine Paulo vs William Pasha (Misc. Land Aplication 29 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 10728 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Francis Tibenda vs Adija Simon and 2 Others (Misc. Land Application 18 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11397 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Henrick Willem Timmer vs Anna Kemilembe Bahigana (Civil Revision 22 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 10910 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Imelda Yakobo Mlekwa vs andrew Peter (Misc. Civil Application 60 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11100 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022
Jacob Kijyombo vs Ethiopian Airlines (Consolidated Civil Appeal 264 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11015 (20 July 2022) 20 July 2022