High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court of Tanzania - 2022

7253 documents

Court registries

Title Date
August 2022
Super Sami Limited vs Adminstrator General & 2 Others (Misc. Civil Cause 2 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11714 (18 August 2022) 18 August 2022
Tambuli Group of Companies Limited vs Nmb Bank Plc (Civil Case 25 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12267 (18 August 2022) 18 August 2022
Tourism Proportion Services (Tanzania) Ltd vs Livingstone Urio (Labour Revision 19 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12332 (18 August 2022) 18 August 2022
Wambura Magori vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 6 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11721 (18 August 2022) 18 August 2022
Ahmad Swedy Alali vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 20 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11690 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Amos Myula vs Hussein Ramadhan (PC Criminal Appeal 4 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 11734 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Amos Myula vs Hussein Ramadhan (PC Criminal Appeal 4 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 11735 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
asina Mastani Mussa Ngulukuru vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 30 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11692 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Ben Mahenge vs Mucoba Bank Plc (Misc. Land Application 22 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11699 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Dr. Guiseppe Di Giulio vs International Livestock Research Institute & Another (Civil Appeal 36 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11990 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Ezekiel Christopher Mustapha vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 58 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12211 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Glory Pancrasy Njau vs VCS Vehicle Consulting Company (Revision Application 134 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12268 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Haji Abdallah Mazoea vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 7 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12289 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Helena Mgini Kulimbi vs Revocatus Kuboja (Misc. Appeal 20 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11766 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Helimanjilida Kokushubira (administratix of the estate of the late Dominic Mutembei) vs Costancia Boniface (Land Appeal 68 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11830 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Idd M. Lung'okwa vs Prof. Martin Ndabukize Shem (Misc. Land Application 17 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 13004 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Industrial Safety & General Mercantile Limited vs Tanzania Building Agency & Another (Civil Case 125 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 12192 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Ismail Mohamed & 2 Others vs Nurdin Kigulu Nuha & 2 Others (Misc. Land Application 7 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 13007 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Julius George Kibaja vs Mwatanga Omary (Civil Revision 37 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 11867 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Julius Mussa vs Kulwa Justo (PC Civil Appeal Case 28 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11890 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Juma Masoud Mnonji vs R (Misc. Criminal Application 28 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12716 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Khatibu Said Ally vs Mzinga Holding Company Ltd and Another (Civil Case 6 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12004 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Leonida Laurean vs Anitha Laurean (Misc. Land Appeal 27 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 13161 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Lyaki Bunzali vs Hoja Lukaba (Misc. Land Appication 101 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11892 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Mabete Masele vs Masengwa Lifa (Misc. Civil Application 19 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12744 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Mohamed Kasobi Nyonga vs Azizi Magambo Rubale (Civil Appeal 6 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11767 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Mussa Claud @ Issa vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 21 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12120 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Nkwimba Hyila vs Murtaza Allo and 3 Others (Misc. Application 5 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11657 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Peter Robert Mbonani vs Baraza La Wadhamini Eagt & 2 Others (Land Appeal 105 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12360 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Rajabu Kindagule vs David Muyenjwa (Civil Appeal 9 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11975 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Said Mwakibasa vs Omali Kasito (Misc. Land Application 1 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12295 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Sophia Ngoka vs Waziri Anania Mwanyando (PC Civil Appeal 21 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12751 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Victor Nzagi vs Josephina Magwala (Misc. Appeal 29 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11765 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Willy Angulile Mwakabenga vs Rebbeca Nawale (Misc. Civil Appl. 10 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12739 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Yusto Eustace (Administrator of the estate of Eustace) vs Joseohina Kawegere (Administratrix of estate of the late Yuliana Kishura Kacholi) (Misc. Land Aplication 72 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12683 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Ziyuni Athuman and 2 Others vs Praxeda Samson (Administratrix of the estate of the late Samson Kato) (Land Case Appeal 54 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12105 (17 August 2022) 17 August 2022
Akhter Akberali Khakoo vs Mo assurance Co. Ltd and 2 Others (Civil Case 53 of 2018) [2022] TZHC 12755 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Alexander J. Baraguza vs Law School of Tanzania & Another (19 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11613 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Alexander J. Barunguza vs Law School of Tanzania & Another (Misc. Civil Appl. 19 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11675 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Alice Nyawira @ Ndungu vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 40 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11653 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Anney Anney vs Teonas Mchama & Another (Misc. Civil Application 83 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11707 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Benjamini Adidwa @ Sami vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 41 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11654 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Charles Buchwa vs Ally Abdu Mabaraza and 1another (Misc. Civil Application 138 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12640 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Christina Boniphace vs Masalu Kazinza & 3 Others (Misc. Land Case Appeal 3 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 12363 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Cosmas Daniel Agapiti vs Lugano Simon Mwanyalu (Civil Appeal 77 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12127 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Dr. Wade asyukile Kabuka vs asuman Rashid and Three Others (Land Appeal 8 of 2020) [2022] TZHC 11889 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Edward Nyabuta vs Mery Kisuke (Misc. Appeal 114 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11763 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Elias Ndikumana vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 39 of 2022) [2022] TZHC 11656 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Eliud Philimon vs Sira Philimon (4 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 11835 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022
Evarist Mushi vs Edward Peter Chuwa (Land Appeal 45 of 2021) [2022] TZHC 12457 (16 August 2022) 16 August 2022