High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court of Tanzania - 2023

8,413 documents

Court registries

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June 2023
G4S Secure Solutions (T) Ltd vs Damas Ramadhan & 8 Others (Labour Revision 14 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 18531 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
George Abdon Killinga & another v Anna Joseph Riwa (administratrix of the estate of late Abdon Aloyce Kilinga) & another (PC Civil Appeal No. 6 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 19093 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Godson Wogofya vs.Republic (DC Civil Appeal Case 22 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18725 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Haji Solyambingu vs. Inocent Libanja (Land Appeal no. 55 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 19290 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Hamisi Pazi Vs Samson Richard Mlewa (land Appeal No 94 0f 2022) [2023] TZHC 18624 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Hassan Omary Mgembe vs. Subira Mbonde (Misc. Civil Application No. 57 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18619 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Hatibu Ally Hincha v Juma Said and 3 Others (Misc. Land Application No. 55 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18665 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Ibrahim Majid Ambari vs Emmasai (Tanzania ) General Enterprises & Others (Civil Case 10 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 18878 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Ibrahim Mhaku vs. The Registered Trustees of Ifakara Health Institute (Misc. Land Application No. 63 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18621 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Idrissa s/o Said Bayanga vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal 113 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18595 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Isamilo Plaza Company Limited vs Mwajuma Mussa & Another (Land Appeal No. 10 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 18641 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Jabiri Mboko Namweta vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No.67 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 19739 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Jacob Embasy v. Grace Gerase (Civil application No. 05 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18631 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Jeremia Andarason Sheka bs Noah Masika & others (Land Revision 6 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18656 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Jeremiah Kabatiti vs Josephat Mthias ((PC) Civil Appeal No. 1 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18555 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
John Habiye Vs. Theodore Melkiore (Misc. Land Appeal No. 31 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 19546 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Joseph Deengw and 1 Another vs Paschal Goigoi (Criminal Appeal No. 20 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18987 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Joyce Patrick Mapunda (Administratrix of the Estate of the Late Patrick Lotary Mapunda) v. Felix D. Mapunda v. (Land Appeal No. 23 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18680 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Juma Kindamba & Another vs Republic (Consolidated Criminal Appeal No.91 & 94 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 19884 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Juma Saidi Mnungu vs R (Criminal Appeal No.17 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18860 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Juma Saidi Mnungu vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No.17 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18554 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
kassim Ally Chuma vs. Tanzania Postal Bank and Others (misc Civil Application No. 50 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18614 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Khalid Ally @Makonyola & Another Vs The Republic (Criminal Appeal No. 54 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18691 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Licky Abdallah Vs. Adam Clements Safaris Limited & Another (Civil Application 47 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18487 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
LUMALA KATUNGE vs. ADINA JACKSON (Land Appeal No. 07 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 18763 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Mahamudu Abdallah Lipendele vs Febe Thomas Simkoko (PC Civil Appeal 12 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18529 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
MASHAKA MUSA FANUEL vs. MARIAM BERNARD (Civil Appeal No. 20 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18765 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Masunga Charles @ Mulelema @ Nyamatoke vs The Republic (Criminal Revision No. 05 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18710 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
MENDRAD KIPANDA & ANOTHER VS RABII KIMOYOMOYO (Criminal Appeal 13 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 22539 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Michael Kitumi Mollel Vs. Hamidu Juma (Criminal Appeal No. 19 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18495 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
MINZA MASUKA vs. SAMWELI NCHAMBI (Misc. Civil Application No. 28 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18766 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Mtaki A. Mtaki vs. Unilever Tea Tanzania Limited (Mics. Civil Appl. 1 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18727 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Muganda Michael vs. Elizabeth Kazimoto (Pc Matrimonial Appeal No 13 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18626 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Musuliche Lebelwa vs National Insurance Corporation & Others (Misc. Civil Appl. 78 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 18879 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
NBCL DISTRIBUTION LTD vs. ACHILES INSURANCE BROKERS LTD and ANOTHER (Misc. Civil Application No. 40 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18767 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Nestory Komba Ngopasingu & Another vs Florence Ndumba & 9 Others (Land Appeal No.19 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18854 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Nkwabi Shing’oma Lume vs Secretary General, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (Civil Appeal No. 59 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18579 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Noel Edward Lusumo (as the administrator of the estate of late LUCIAN EDWARD LUSUMO) vs. Deogratius Kwaimay & another (Misc. Land Application no. 4 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 19280 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Norbert John Mpili vs Republic (Criminal Appeal No.55 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 19826 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Nsulwa Kiyaya & another Vs. Minga Kisena (Land Appeal No. 47 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18551 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Olaph Bartazar Mwageni v. Issa Kizito & Two Others (Land Appeal No. 10 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18677 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Onasisi E. Lema t/a Pamba Road Service Station Vs Dotto Damian (HC Civil Case 17 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 20397 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Patrick Mtahungwa v. Republic (DC. Criminal Appeal No. 21 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18527 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Peter Jampan Ndabila vs Julius Nyingi & Others (Misc. Land Aplication 102 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18660 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Peter Tabu Massawe t/a Kagera Pharmacy vs Pharmacy Council & Another (Civil Case 205 of 2018) [2023] TZHC 18836 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Peter Tabu Massawe t/a Kagera Pharmacy vs Pharmacy Council & Another (Civil Case 205 of 2018) [2023] TZHC 20389 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Primi Aloyce Mushi vs Ashura Hussein Mwasa ( As former Administratrix of the estate of the late Hussein Omary Mwasa & Another (Civil Case 189 of 2021) [2023] TZHC 18881 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Property International Ltd & Court Brokers and two others (misc Civil Application No. 42 of 2022) [2023] TZHC 18618 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Pulkeria Mchami (Administratrix of the Estate of the Late Alfonsi Chuma) v. Daudi Lungu & 5 Others (Land Appeal No. 11 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18682 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023
Rabiel Onaukilo Lema and 7 others vs Nora Dominick Mushi (PC Criminal Appeal No. 2 of 2023) [2023] TZHC 18612 (30 June 2023) 30 June 2023