High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court of Tanzania - 2021 June

426 documents

Court registries

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June 2021
Republic vs Amanduos Amanduos @ Ngurue (Criminal Revision 7 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3805 (23 June 2021) 23 June 2021
Republic vs Mohamed Bakari Mnega and Another (Criminal Session Case 13 of 2015) [2021] TZHC 3912 (23 June 2021) 23 June 2021
Republic vs Mwiteka Godfrey Mwandemele (Criminal Session Case 19 of 2015) [2021] TZHC 3909 (23 June 2021) 23 June 2021
Tanzania Breweries Limited vs John Mugabe Madatta and Others (Labour Revision 81 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3925 (23 June 2021) 23 June 2021
Twiga Feeds Limited and Another vs National Investments Company Limited (Land Case 29 of 2018) [2021] TZHC 3804 (23 June 2021) 23 June 2021
Asha Rashid Onyezi (Chongwe) vs Jastine Meli (Administrator of Deceased Chaulembo Meli's Estate) (Civil Appeal 218 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3673 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Bakari Shaban Sika vs Nikita John Kibopile (Misc. Land Case Application 13 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3806 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
fortunatus Clavery Magai vs A and E Security Limited (Misc. Labour Application 52 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3827 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Henan Afro Asia Geo Engineering Co. Ltd vs John Mihayo Jandika and Others (Labour Revision 30 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3695 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Japhet Alfayo Bwire vs Saibu Ahmad Idd and Others (Land Appeal 6 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3737 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Justin Mallya vs Kinondoni Municipal Council & Attorney General (Land Case 159 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 10743 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Justin Richard vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal 79 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3855 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Justin Richard vs Republic (DC Criminal Appeal 80 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3865 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Kampuni Ya Ulinzi Shark vs Juma s/o Hassan @ Njechele (PC Civil Appeal 13 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3733 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Leslie Philipo Muhayaya vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 16 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3721 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Salimini Ababi Hamisi vs Stawasandali (Misc. Criminal Appeal 22 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3735 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Tabia Matisho vs George Chapaulinge (Matrimonial Appeal 4 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3930 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Veronica Ntalima Magofu vs Peter Japhet (Matrimonial Appeal 12 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3744 (22 June 2021) 22 June 2021
Agnes K. Lukandya and Others vs Faida Lunsalya (Land Appeal 60 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3818 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Beatrice Ndodi Odhiambo vs Ranger Safari Limited (Labour Application 97 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3750 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Costa Ambwene Mwakalinga vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 36 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3700 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Fatma Amani Karume vs Attorney General and Another (Civil Appeal 2 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3679 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Isaya Goro Siego (the Administrator of the Estate of Wilson Ogeta Owiti) vs Thomas Risa Patrice (Misc. Land Application 28 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3691 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Juma Hamisi Gochigochi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 80 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3730 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Kenya Kazi Security Company Limited vs Paulo Bura Massay and 3others (Labour Revision 10 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3748 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Kisumo Leonard vs Sumira Barnaba (PC Civil Appeal 65 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3746 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Neema Makwaiya vs Hasna Muhenga (Misc. Land Application 115 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3817 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Nicolous Charles Sinka and Another vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 37 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3701 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Nyangi Ndaro Thomas vs Musoma District Council (Labour Revision 2 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3692 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Premier Food Industries Limited Dhidi Ya Eva Endrew Mbise (Marejeo 29 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3749 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Ramadhani Idd @ Mnyampaa vs the DPP (Criminal Appeal 53 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3717 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Republic vs Salungi Juma Choroji (Criminal Revision 12 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3747 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Shija George vs Republic (HC Criminal Appeal 29 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3762 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
You Wu and Another vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 87 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 4008 (21 June 2021) 21 June 2021
Abel E. Moshi vs Yunis A. Moshi (Land Case Appeal 17 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 5355 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Adelina R. Kitare vs Audax Eustace Kaijage andanother (Land Case Appeal 95 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3882 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Adosta Investment Company vs Kiteto District Council and Another (Civil Appeal 26 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3754 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Charles Lyimo vs Atinesia Jionathan Lyimo (Misc. Land Appeal 20 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3736 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Emmanuelina Yustinian vs Philipo Petro (Misc. Land Application 69 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3668 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Filemon Erasmus Macha vs Mama Clementina Foundation (Labour Revision 21 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 5357 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Geita Gold Mine Limited vs Eliudy Gichaine (Misc. Labour Application 5 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3948 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Geita Gold Mine Limited vs Samwel Japhat (Misc. Labour Application 36 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3743 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Hand Enterprises vs Kilombero Cane Growers Cooperative Society Limited (Misc. Civil Application 184 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 4115 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Hassani Athumani vs Fatuma S. Mtafi (Misc. Land Application 9 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3687 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Hemedi Hamisi Kunjelenje vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 14 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3716 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Iddi Mussa Utambi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 119 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3726 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
John Francis Hiba @ Jumanne and Others vs the DPP (Misc. Criminal Application 34 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3758 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Joseph Kamala vs Stelia Emili (Land Case Appeal 99 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3877 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Malibwa Mgomya and Others vs Magesa Nyabhaja (PC Civil Appeal 40 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3822 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Mhangwa Zacharia vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 34 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3922 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021