High Court of Tanzania

This is the second level in the Judiciary justice delivery hierarchy. It has both appellate and original powers on civil and criminal matters. It also hears appeals from the Courts of Resident Magistrate, the District Courts, and the District Land and Housing Tribunals in exercise of their original, appellate and/or revisional jurisdiction. The High Court is divided into Zones and specialized Divisions. 

Physical address
24 Kivukoni Road, P O Box: S.L.P. 9004

High Court of Tanzania - 2021 June

426 documents

Court registries

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June 2021
Prucheria John vs Wilbard Wilson and Another (Land Case Appeal 64 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3667 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Ramadhani Juma Mpalupalu vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 109 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3725 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Republic vs Allen Habibu Ally (Criminal Session Case 86 of 2015) [2021] TZHC 3968 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Republic vs Rashid Salim Mohamed @ Rashid Ramadhan (Criminal Session Case 25 of 2015) [2021] TZHC 3911 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Rhoda Anthony vs Severian X-avery andOthers (Misc. Land Case Appeal 49 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3654 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Rose Ngonyani vs Chile Ngonyani (Misc. Civil Application 200 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 4006 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Sumaiya Ally vs Philbert Chilahahwa (Matrimonial Appeal 3 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3666 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Thabit Kibwana vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 215 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 4004 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Xiubao Cai and Another vs Mohamed Said Kiaratu (Civil Appeal 87 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3997 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Yasini Jumanne Abeid vs Shakira Abdallah (PC Civil Appeal 156 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 12533 (18 June 2021) 18 June 2021
Amosi Nanai vs Athuman Juma (Criminal Appeal 13 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3708 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Charles Marko Naibala vs Lilian Marko Naibala (Misc. Civil Application 19 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3709 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Chedieli Zawadi Mbwambo and Others vs Kiboberry Limited (Application for Labour Revision 10 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3952 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Fatuma Ally Hakimu and Others vs Aahmad Seleman (legal Representative of Kulasi Hakimu Ally, Deceased) (DC Civil Appeal 1 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3707 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Hendry Stephano Shirima vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 10 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3714 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Joakim Lesuli vs Barnabas Mallya (Land Appeal 14 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3713 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Juma Athuman vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 66 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3669 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Linus Pius and Others vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 81 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3670 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Maria Godwin Mawa vs Bakari Mawa (Misc. Land Application 46 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3931 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Masagali Mebacha @ Mazanzu vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 158 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3646 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Mbwana Hamadi vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 36 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 7065 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Tabasam Clearing and forwading Company Limited vs Mwajuma Urassa Malya T/a Inakubalika Store (Civil Appeal 113 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3859 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Wadoki Saccos Ltd vs David Mseti and Two Others (HC Civil Appeal 58 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3850 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Zubery Mustapha and Another vs Ramadhani Abdallah (Misc. Civil Application 14 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3745 (17 June 2021) 17 June 2021
Cyridion Rweyendera Mpambo vs Rodrick Rudengera Tryphone (Probate and Administration Appeal 10 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3878 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
DPP vs Judith Mfunda Mgaya (HC Criminal Appeal 26 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3782 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Elisaria Elia vs Abdala Kaloko (Land Appeal 13 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 5356 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
General Secretary Good Samaritan Foundation and Another vs Eliangene Ngatara Munuo (Labour Revision 45 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3711 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Happy Joseph @sengu vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 16 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3765 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Issa Mussa Milanzi and Another vs Republic (Consolidated DC Criminal Appeals 4 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3843 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
John Secie Kabahoze vs Dr. Cleophace C. Butoto (Civil Appeal 8 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3880 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Joseph Komanya vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 56 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3764 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Joyce Mboyi Sabini vs CRDB Bank PLC Geita Branch and Others (Misc. Land Application 186 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3794 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Juventus Nicodem vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 17 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3672 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Kilindi District Council vs Robert Kwayi (Labour Revision 19 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 5765 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Perecia Bwenge vs Mbarigu Zakaria (Misc. Land Case Appeal 21 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3869 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Robert Nyambureti Nyanchiwa vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 173 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3647 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Saada Halfan vs Shemsa Masudi (PC Civil Appeal 11 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3881 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
the Registered Trustees of Moshi Sports Club, 2009 and 1Others vs Rashidi Bushiri and Others (Misc. Civil Application 40 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 5378 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Tuombe John @ Sungura vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 18 of 2021) [2021] TZHC 3671 (16 June 2021) 16 June 2021
Ayubu Ilengesa and Another vs Republic (Misc. Criminal Application 72 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3656 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
Bakari Abdallah Mnimbo vs Hadija Yahaya Mwajonga (Matrimonial Appeal 2 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 5786 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
Constantin Busiga Peleka and Swedi Amrani Mlete vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 150 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3620 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
Constantin Busiga Peleka and Swed Iamran vs Republic (Criminal Appeal 150 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 4068 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
Dolah S. J. Kitundu vs Juma Hamis Juma and Others (Misc. Land Case Appeal 20 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3950 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
Fakihi Said Mnindeka vs Maimuna Mfaume Kahamba (Misc. Civil Application 8 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3738 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
France Tibenda vs Adija Simon and Others (Misc. Land Application 34 of 2019) [2021] TZHC 3655 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
Ilemela Municipal Council vs Elia Mongi and Others (Misc. Land Application 93 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3792 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
In the Matter of An Involuntary Winding Up of Eternum Limited (Misc. Civil Cause 5 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3928 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021
Majige Ngolelwa vs Emiliana Kuzenza (PC Matrimonial Appeal 15 of 2020) [2021] TZHC 3789 (15 June 2021) 15 June 2021